Former Interior Minister Dimitri Senmache met on Monday afternoon with the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, at the Government Palace, according to the visit log of the Presidential Office.
The transparency portal details that the former official spoke with Castillo Terrones from 2:11 pm to 2:58 pm. This, after Senmache was censured by the Congress of the Republic on July 1 and had to resign from office.
As recalled, the measure taken against the former minister was due to the escape of the former head of the Ministry of Transport and Communications Juan Silva and the deaths of miners in the Atico district, Caravelí province, Arequipa region.
After the Congress decision, the former Minister of the Interior said that “did not deserve” being censured in office by Parliament, much less for accusations that he described as “totally false”.
New Minister of the Interior
After the departure of Dimitri Senmache, on July 4 the Head of State appointed Mariano González as the new Minister of the Interior.
As it is recalled, González was Minister of Defense from July 2016 to November of the same year during the Government of Pedro Pablo Kuczysnki. Likewise, he was part of the Andean Parliament during the period 2016-2021. In that institution he was appointed vice president twice.