Nothing fairer than celebrating the claims achieved by the LGTBI community in recent years. For this reason, in many cities around the world, Gay Pride Week was organized in recent days, during which the obstacles encountered in the search for legitimacy were highlighted and their achievements were applauded with fury. A long time of obscurantism and battles preceded what has not yet been fully validated within our society: the right of each person to freely choose their sexuality.
From this to distortion and loss of respect on the part of those who observe them, even those who celebrate their many successes, there is but one step. Gay Pride Day should then become a serious festivity ─joyful yes, but serious at the same time─ because the battle that lies ahead is not a trivial matter.
Madrid welcomed, as the capital of this group, more than one demonstration in its streets, but in them it was difficult to distinguish what the message was. Thousands of people dressed in suits and painted in a bizarre way were striving to attract attention with immense stridency. Colorful and strange outfits, costumes of all kinds, what they denoted had nothing to do with the satisfaction of getting the position in society that every gender deserves, nor did it draw collective attention to the biggest obstacle that follows, today, facing the homosexual community such as discrimination.
In this immense community that behaved unrestrainedly, there was no appeal to the battle for gender identity, an issue that has not ceased to be debated within governments and institutions, there was no forceful controversy about sexual identity and education, there was no appeal to the diatribe present in the languages to qualify the choice of an identity freely.
Everything was circumscribed to a colorful behavior of herd, cheeky, exaggerated and histrionic that left a bad taste in the mouth of those of us who consider that this is indeed a transcendental issue and on which there are still a few battles to be waged.
This has motivated me to send a message of sanity and moderation. Many moons will pass before all societies on the planet define inclusive rules that are the result of respect for the personal circumstances of each one in this matter of gender identity, gender roles and sexual diversity. The controversy is still acidic and repression continues to be a way of dealing with it.
Entire centuries of mistakes are not corrected with attitudes and postures that are typical of carnivals, but not of a movement and a group that aspires to stand up to hatred and contempt and claims, for an important part of society, an inclusive and respectful treatment and freedom from the stigmas that affect them.