February 11, 1934, Rafael Trujillo Molina He accepted his first repostulation to the Presidency of the Dominican Republic and established a unique party, The Dominican party.
In his speech, Trujillo said he accepted the candidacy because the country was going through “an hour of black misfortune.”
He declared that his decision responded to the will of his party and the “verification of the universality of the Dominican people”, noting that the popular clamor demanded its permanence in power.
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By accepting the repostulation and the creation of a unique party, he said that with this measure the weak borders had been “erased” that, under the “bloody flags of sterile personalisms”, had traditionally divided the Dominican family.
“I think this purpose has been achieved beyond our forecasts from the first moment,” said the dictator in his acceptance speech.
He also acknowledged that he had hesitated before accepting “the honorable and high command” granted by his co -religionists.
In the elections held the May 16, 1934, Rafael Trujillo Molina achieved her first re -election without difficulty.