Home South AmericaVenezuela 25 years for a couple who kidnapped a child

25 years for a couple who kidnapped a child

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25 years for a couple who kidnapped a child

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice emphasized 25 years in prison for Enyerman Adrián Gil Villarte and Milagros Alejandra Palma Monasterios, accused of kidnapping a child.

The decision of the highest court in the country was published in sentence 321 written by Judge Maikel Moreno and which had the support of his courtroom colleagues, Carmen Marisela Castro and Elsa Gómez.

The events occurred in the last week of February 2019, when a child was kidnapped on El Carmen street, Guaicoco, La Dolorita parish, Sucre municipality (Miranda). From there they transferred him to the Pablo VI urbanization, Petare where he was kept for 48 hours under the care of Enyerman Adrián Gil Villarreal and Milagros Alejandra Palma Monasterios.

The man’s relatives reported the incident to the National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Command (Conas), whose agents deployed a device that led them to locate the victim and perpetrators in the aforementioned Caracas area. There they detained the couple and rescued the child, a procedure carried out on February 27, 2019.

Six months later, specifically on August 29, 2019, they ordered the opening of a trial against the participants in the kidnapping: Marco Antonio Terán Porras, Anzonys Guillermo Suarez Pérez, Eibar Arcendis Martínez Ruiz, Enyerman Adrián Gil Villarrarte and Milagros Alejandra Palma Monasterios.

The trial took place between July 14, 2022 and February 22, 2023 before the 20th Trial Court of Caracas. Terán Porras and Suárez Pérez were acquitted. While Gil and Palma were sentenced to 25 years in prison.

That sentence was ratified on October 24, 2023 by Chamber 8 of the Court of Appeals of Caracas. By virtue of this, the couple’s lawyers knocked on the doors of the Criminal Court.

The lawyers requested that the conviction be annulled and that a new trial be ordered. But the magistrates detected that the reasoning presented to make such requests did not have solid bases. Consequently, they ratified the imposed sentence of 25 years in prison.

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