The Electoral Service (Servel) found numbers that do not add up after auditing the financial balances of the 25 political parties that, as of 2020, were legally constituted and, therefore, obtained public financing.
Of 25, 12 collectivities saw their balances rejected, compared to 13 that satisfactorily completed the Servel verification process.
Among the rejected balances, according to the Servel audit —consigned by The Mercury and obtained via Transparency Law—there is that of the UDI, that of the PC, that of the Republican Party, that of Comunes and that of the Radical Party, in addition to the DC report where it had already been announced that the agency detected an “uncollectible” account and that he was asked to clarify impositions and unpaid taxes, travel expenses and unsupported expenses.
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About him communist party (PC) the Servel made 64 observations to the data delivered. 13 have already been rectified by the PC, while 51 were left under “observation”, pending all the party’s documentation.
Servel indicates that the communists spent $830,029,317, but that the documents support an amount of $674,098,824. Therefore, “the observation made is maintained.” The organization specifies that —for example— the PC “did not accompany the transfer documents of $9,315,922, precisely with the details of the contributors, which allow validating the origin of the resources that financed the plebiscite campaign.” Informed of the above, “the observation is maintained”.
Additionally, the traditional “nerudian conger stew” that the PC offers to the press after New Year’s is targeted. Regarding this activity, data was requested from a fee bill issued for $181,513. As the party did not register “the inputs incurred for the preparation of the conger eel stew, it is requested to cancel the fee bill and support the expenses in the corresponding invoice, according to the SII regulations. Having informed of the above, the observation made is maintained.”
In the IDU, where they accused that books with documentation were “disappeared” in a looting of their national headquarters, Servel noted the lack of support for an activity that is among the highest expenses incurred by union members: holding an event for the proclamation of the new national directive, with a value of $18,848,260. The item of overtime payment corresponding to the year 2019 was also indicated, where the amounts amounted to more than 6 million pesos, but that “the supporting documents for the payment of overtime are not attached.”
The Republican Party (REP), according to the Servel report, did not receive fiscal transfers in 2020, but did obtain income of $93,410,712 and expenses of $81,681,674. The entity in charge of the elections realized that “the accounting receipts were not accompanied by the record of the expenses incurred, and that it was only possible to validate with the documents a total amount of $70,102,699”. The service maintained the observation and detailed that the largest expenditure of the Republicans is in “fees”, with $46,862,375.
The match situation common it is different, since Servel had to reject its financial statement due to lack of information. Therefore, the entity proceeded to reject the 2020 accounting year of Comunes.
The Social Green Regionalist Federation (FRVS) had income of $122,983,238 in 2020 and of the total received $119,308,248 through bank transfers. In the detail Servel noted that some requests made in 2019, such as incorporating procedures for internal collection and expense controls, were not carried out, so the observations in this area were maintained.
The activities of the green regionalists cost $3,105,937 and, according to Servel, “the necessary documents were not attached to justify the expense,” a situation that continued after the party’s response. This is repeated in the item “Accounting operations”, in which —according to the agency— $25,784,967 are recorded as liabilities, but “without declaring the support of the operations for validation.” In addition, regarding the “Provision for vacations”, Servel highlights the declaration of the years 2019 and 2020, both without variations in the amounts, being that between one period and another there was a decrease in personnel, vacation days were accumulated and given. .
For his part the radical party (PR) did not respond to any of the observations present in the preliminary report, so these are maintained in the final report, among which differences of 12 million pesos stand out between the credit balance and the contributions made by Servel and more than 630 million pesos in receipts without backups.
about the dissolved New time (NT) the Servel details that it obtained income in 2020 for $16,799,703 and expenses for $12,741,197. As for the objections, a lack of original supporting documentation is revealed and it is indicated that the party “does not attach the accounting receipts that allow validating each of the reimbursements made by the party during the 2021 period (…). indicated above, the observation made is maintained”.
In the also dissolved Patriotic Union The lack of documentation was detected to support the rental of party headquarters, as in the case of the headquarters located in García Reyes, where the contract and the data to identify the lessor are not registered.
another dissolved, Equality, had some objections related to the lack of documentation to support activities in which transportation expenses were incurred. Also, a list of 59 rejected expenses was attached that, if they do not correspond to political activity, must be reimbursed.
In the case of the equally dissolved PRO, expenses were recorded for which the Servel does not record the support, among them, an account of 114 thousand pesos in “Sco Grills”, $26,640 in “Alto Brasero” and $178,076 in “Comercial Maifa” for hotels. From the party they would have declared these expenses as part of a political activity in Calama and Antofagasta.