Tomorrow marks one year since the inoculation campaign against the global Covid-19 pandemic began in our country.
One of the first measures taken by the health authorities at that time was to vaccinate all the people who work in health services and primary care, known as “front line”.
Given the high active and daily cases of coronavirus in Chile; Added to the threat of the omicron variant (easily transmitted), is that the Ministry of Health (Minsal) reported on January 17 the advancement of the fourth dose for health officials, which began on the 20th of last month.
Until January 25 of this year, 4% of the 300,000 officials of the Health Services and Primary Health Care (APS) do not have the complete vaccination scheme, according to the Minsal. The other 96% does.
“The objective of reducing the probability of contagion in the establishments of the Integrated Health Network, our officials and officials have always been part of the target groups that we have prioritized in the National Vaccination Plan against SARS-CoV-2”, he pointed out. the Undersecretary(s) of Healthcare Networks, Nicholas Duhalde.
In addition, he added that “this effort has been reflected in the figures, since as of January 25, 2022, 96% of municipal Health Services and Primary Health Care (PHC) officials have their full vaccination.
“The work, commitment and dedication to public service of health personnel has been decisive in controlling the pandemic, so we will continue to watch over their health and that of the entire population,” he added.
Although, the Minsal cannot give exact figures of how many workers do not have their complete vaccination, since every three months different strategies are evaluated due to contractual issues. An investigation of Radio Bio Bio it consigns 12,000 officials who have not been inoculated.
From the Ministry they did not refer to the fate of the people without the complete scheme, reserving themselves under the argument of the dynamism of the endowment.