In recent days, the professional situation of the Manabi prosecutor, Juan Carlos Izquierdo, investigated for the death of Naomi Arcentales, has been in question due to the instability of the Judicial Council (CJ). LA HORA presents 10 data to understand the official’s situation.
one.– The December 19, 2021the then president of the Judiciary, Maria del Carmen Maldonado Izquierdo was suspended from office. The measure was applied by three months while the investigation against him was taking place. During this time, the official would not receive salary.
two.- The cause that would have motivated this sanction is the video that was made public, where supposedly Izquierdo is visualized beating the young woman in the lobby of the building where they lived together.
3.- The February 2, 2022hours from submit your resignation to the presidency of the CJ, Maldonado lifted Izquierdo’s suspension. The former official attributed this decision to the ruling of the Constitutional court from January 12, 2022.
After hearing the sentence of @CorteConstEcu I have decided to resign after 3 years of management, since he withdraws the presidency #CJ the power to dictate the suspension measure, fundamental in my fight against corruption and violence, as in #CaseOrange #CherubCase #CasoYunda
– Ma. del Carmen Maldonado S. (@marimaldonados) February 2, 2022
4.- On that date, the highest body of constitutionality in the country issued a ruling that removes the power of the head of the Judiciary to present preventive precautionary measures of suspension to judicial officials. The same ones that face disciplinary processes.
5.- East February 8, 2022the Plenary of the Judiciary confirmed the validity of the suspension that weighs on the Left prosecutor.
6.- The new President of the Judiciary, Faust Murillo stated that, in accordance with the considerations of legal and juridical orderthe resolution adopted by María del Carmen Maldonado, “he does not have sufficient motivation, which generates annulment of his decision”.
The president of @CJudicaturaEc, @FaustoMurilloEC announced that the suspension of prosecutor Juan Carlos Izquierdo, a suspect in the case #NaomiArcentales, is still valid. She pointed out that they declared the nullity of the revocation issued by María del Carmen Maldonado the day of her resignation.
– The Ecuador Time (@lahoraecuador) February 8, 2022
7.- Murillo stressed that, from this new resolutionthe Manabi prosecutor will be “suspended in the exercise of his functions until the corresponding decision has to be made”.
8.- Naomi Arcentales’s motherSara Sabando and her lawyer, Luigi García They were outside the Council of the Judiciary, this February 8, 2022. “I put all my faith and trust in the people who are opening doors for us. Let’s hope things are transparentSabando said.
9.- Juan Carlos Izquierdo, before the suspension of December 19, 2021, worked as a prosecutor in the canton of El Carmen, in Manabiand investigated gender violence issues.
10.- Izquierdo is investigated for the death of Naomi Arcentales. A young woman from 23 years old found dead in a hotel room in Manta last December 12, 2021. His friends and family ask the authorities for justice. (TRC)