The Popular and Solidarity Coordinator brings together more than 200 popular pots and picnic areas nationwide, and revealed that more than 1,400,000 monthly portions are being prepared and served in these solidarity organizations.
“We do not count the portions to count, but for a way of organizing ourselves to be able to know how many supplies we need to cook,” said Cecilia Sarasola, a member of the Coordinator, in statements made to Telemundo.
He lamented that “The pots are still necessary”, according to what they perceive from the organization, and that they do not see the so-called “economic reactivation” reaching them because the demand “continues to be very high.”
“By the end of the month, the portions that are demanded are multiplied by two,” added the representative who coordinates one of the popular pots in Ciudad Vieja.
“There are more and more neighbors approaching these initiatives because they don’t have enough to eat,” Sarasola told The Dailyand announced that in September there will be a mobilization to claim the government “so that the popular pots continue to be listened to and so that the State takes charge of eradicating hunger and guaranteeing the food of its population,” according to a document released from the second meeting of the Coordinator, which was held at the end of week.